Educational resources for practitioners, students, researchers and educators
Electrotherapy on the Web provides current, non commercial information on various aspects of Electrotherapy / Electrophysical Agents. It is not presented as a replacement for current texts but attempts to provide an independent view of the current state of the art. The range of pages and topics continues to expand, and some of the long standing pages get updated whenever I can. There are still some new pages to write and new developments to add all the time.
This is a revamped version of the webiste - had to redesign and restructure due to hosting issues. Sorry if the design is a bit basic - hope that it is still useful for you.
The site is still attracting about 250,000 visitors a year - so I guess that it is providing something useful for someone - so I will keep it running for as long as I can
I am now fully retired from my University position(s) and am no longer wandering round the world doing presentations and conferences. I maintain an active interest in ongoing research and still collect about 2500 new research papers a month relating to Electrophysical modalities - so it is certainly not a "classic retirement"!!!
Professor Tim Watson
Professor Emeritus, Physiotherapy
School of Health & Social Work
University of Hertfordshire

Electrophysical Forum
The Electrophysical Forum has been LIVE since Nov 2016. It provides a place for discussion, exchange of ideas and a community of people who can assist with your questions relating to the use of electrophysical modalities
There is an panel of experts from around the world who have volunteered to assist in answering queries - so why not pay a visit and make the most of a resource which is free and open access??
The Electrophysical Forum is currently offline - for a while at least - as it was hosted by the same company as this main electrotherapy.org site - so bear with me
The information on these pages is provided in good faith and should be treated as such. If you make use of the information, please acknowledge its source - I am constantly amazed to see where this information appears without reference - I have no problem if you want to use it - that is what it is here for - but please do the decent thing and acknowledge the source.