Educational resources for practitioners, students, researchers and educators

There are a number of electrotherapy books around out there, and I do get asked at regular intervals which ones there are and which one should be purchased. Well, I'll not do the recommendation, but I will certainly be happy to put up a list and a brief description here and to keep it updated as new material becomes available.
Many people ask where it is best to get these texts from, so I have set up a Google Books link for all those that are available through that source - just click on the picture of the book and it will give you a price etc - hope that helps a bit.
If you are aware of a good book on electrotherapy that I don't have on the list, then please do let me know and I will be glad to add it when next I update the page.
Electrophysical Agents : Evidence Based Practice
T Watson; E Nussbaum
2020 (April)
ISBN 9780702051517
New edition of this General Electro textbook. April 2020 (13th Edition). Tim joined by Ethne Nussbaum (Canada) as co-editor. Many completely new chapters. All previous material updated in line with current evidence.
Modalidades en electroterapia: Practica basada en la evidencia
T Watson; E Nussbaum
Spanish translation of the 13th Edition of the textbook
Eletroterapia Pratica Baseada em Evidencia
T Watson
ISBN: 978-853-523-138-0
Portuguese translation (12th Edition)

T Watson
2011 (March)
ISBN : 978-960-489-034-7
Greek translation (12th Edition)
Electrotherapy Explained : Principles and Practice
V Robertson, A Ward, J Low and A Reed
ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-8843-7
ISBN-10: 0-7506-8843-2
Popular general electrotherapy text which includes the essential background information together with application guidance
Michlovitz's Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention
Bellew, J, Michlovitz, S. and Nolan, T.
F A Davis
Updated version (from 2012 text) with James Bellew now taking the lead
Therapeutic Electrophysical Agents: Evidence Behind Practice
Alain Belanger
Jan 2014
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 978-1-4511-8274-3
Now in its 3rd Edition (Jan 2014). Considers both the range of modalities and applications, case studies, evidence and reference lists.
Physical Agents in Rehabilitation : From Research to Practice
Michelle Cameron
2009 (3rd Edition)
ISBN : 1-4160-3257-1
Popular USA text. Useful general chapters at start, modality chapters with useful illustrations and 'clinical pearls'.
Therapeutic Modalities: The Art and Science
Knight, K.L. and Draper, D.O.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
A new (2013) text by two well known authors in the field. Sports Therapy / Athletic trainer emphasis.
Practical Electrotherapy : A Guide to safe Application
J Fox and T Sharp
May 2007
ISBN-13: 978-0-443-06855-3
ISBN-10: 0-443-06855-0
Clinical Electrotherapy : Your Guide to Optimal Treatment
Jan Bjordal
Prima Books
ISBN 82-7634-320-1
Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound and Laser Light Handbook
Michelle Cameron
April 2006
ISBN 1416032495
Clinical Electrotherapy
Roger Nelson, Dean Currier, Karen Hayes
Prentice Hall
ISBN : 083851491X
Electrotherapy : Clinical Procedures Manual
T Nalty
McGraw Hill
ISBN : 0 07 134317 2
Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy
Joseph Kahn
Churchill Livingstone
ISBN : 0443065535
Tedavi Sinyalleri Teorisine Giriþ (Introduction to theory of theraputic signals ) (TURKISH)
A. Ruhi SOYLU, Rafet IRMAK
Google Play
Elektroterapi Atlasý 1 (Atlas of electrotherapy I) (TURKISH)
Rafet IRMAK, Ahsen IRMAK
ISBN 978-605-89408-0-2
Tim Chapters in other Textbooks
Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy (2nd Edition)
Millis and Levine
Levine and Watson chapter (Ch 19) on Ultrasound
Tidy's Physiotherapy
Ed. S Porter
2013 (15th Edition)
Churchill Livingstone / Elsevier
ISBN : 978-0702043444
Watson - Chapter on Electrotherapy (Chapter 19), briefly covering the key modalities.
Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse
MW Ross and MJ Dyson
2010 (2nd Edition)
ISBN : 978-1416060697
Chapter on the use of Ultrasound (Chapter 93) by Sutton and Watson)
The Student's Companion to Physiotherapy
N T Southorn (Electrotherapy Chapter T Watson)
Churchill Livingstone / Elsevier
A short 'debrief' of electrotherapy / electro physical agents from a student perspective in Chapter 5 (Watson)
A Comprehensive Guide to Sports Physiology and Injury Management
S Porter and J Wilson
(Watson : Electrophysical agents: Physiology and Evidence (Ch 6)
Churchill Livingstone / Elsevier
Covers Sports Physiology and Sports Injury Management - some exceptionally useful material
The Shoulder: Theory and Practice
J Lewis & C Fernandez-de-las-Penas
(Watson : Electrophysical modalities in the management of shoulder conditions (Ch 33)
Churchill Livingstone / Elsevier
Excellent shoulder text

Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Gwendolen Jull, Ann Moore, Deborah Falla, Jeremy Lewis, Chris McCarthy, Michele Sterling
ISBN: 9780702051524
Watson : Brief section on Electrophysical Modalities
Electrophysical Modality Specific Texts
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): Research to support clinical practice
Mark Johnson
March 2014
Oxford University Press
New text for clinicians, researchers, academics, students - in fact, almost everyone who wants to know, from a real expert, the current information relating to TENS and TENS applications
TENS: Clinical Applications and Related Theory
Deirdre Walsh
Churchill Livingstone
ISBN-10: 0443053235
ISBN-13: 978-0443053238
Not new, but an absolute classic
Electroacupuncture: A Practical Manual and Resource
David Mayor
April 2007
Churchill Livingstone
ISBN-13: 978-0-443-06369-5
ISBN-10: 0-443-06369-9
Mayor certainly knows his topic, is aware of the evidence that is out there and summarises as much of it as can be done in a single volume.
Handbook of Photomedicine
MR Hamblin and YY Huang
CRC Press
A comprehensive (but expensive) Laser text - almost an encylopaedia - but very useful if this is your modality
Laser Therapy - Clinical Practice and Scientific Background
Jan Tuner and Lars Hode
Prima Books
ISBN : 91 631 1344 9
The longer version of the Tuner and Hode publications. Extensive and wide range of applications covered - not just the usual suspects.

The Laser Therapy Handbook
Jan Tuner and Lars Hode
Prima Books
This is the shorter version (and thus, less expensive) version of the Tuner and Hode text.
Therapeutic Lasers : Theory and practice
G David Baxter
ISBN: 9780443043932
One of the first books on laser which was both accurate, reflective of the evidence (at the time) and entirely readable. Even though other texts published since, remains well worth a read if you want to understand the topic.
The Science of Low-power laser therapy
Tiina Karu
Gordon and Breach
ISBN : 90 5699 108 6
Fantastic resource, though you might have to work at it unless you are well qualified in medical physics?

An Easy Guide to TENS pain relief
G. Gadsby
1 June 2000
ISBN-10: 0954080602
ISBN-13: 978-0954080600

King’s Guide to TENS for Health Professionals
Alan King
1999 (1st Edition)
ISBN 0-9535623-2-8
Useful non-Electrophysical Texts
The Juvenile Skeleton
Louise Scheuer and Sue Black
ISBN : 0-12-102821-6
Fantastic resource if you want to know about epiphyses, where they are and how they behave. Includes a host of 'other' information - but the growth plate info will be most directly relevant to therapists
Fundamentals of Inflammation
CN Serhan, PA Ward, DW Gilroy
Cambridge University Press
ISBN : 978-0-521-88729-8
My favourite book on Inflammation - EVER