Educational resources for practitioners, students, researchers and educators
I have added LINKS to all journals and books where this is possible - should take you to the journal page or some directly relevant website. Many of the papers are available (for free) as pdf downloads through Google Scholar [LINK], so it is worth putting the title of the paper into that search engine and see what it comes up with.
Bricknell, R. and T. Watson (1995). "The thermal effects of pulsed shortwave therapy." Br J Therapy & Rehabilitation 2(8): 430-434 No link available
Watson, T. (1994). Electrical Stimulation of Wound Healing. Clayton's Electrotherapy 10th Edition. S. Bazin &. S. Kitchen (Eds), London, WB Saunders. Updated 2 x since this publication, see 2008 LINK
Watson, T. (1995). Bioelectric Correlates of Musculoskeletal Injury & Repair. PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering. University of Surrey. LINK
Watson, T. (1996). "Electrical Stimulation for Wound Healing." Physical Therapy Reviews 1: 89-103 LINK
Watson, T. (1996). "Electrotherapy research developments and their relevance to womens health." J Assoc Chartered Physiotherapists in Womens Health 78: 7-12 No Link available for this publication
Watson, T. (2000) "Elektrotherapie" in Angewandte Physiologie Vol 3 : Therapie, Training, Tests. Ed Frans van den Berg. Thieme, Stuttgart
Watson, T. (2000). "The role of electrotherapy in contemporary physiotherapy practice." Man Ther 5(3): 132-41 LINK
Watson, T. (2002). "Electrical Stimulation for Wound Healing : A Review of Current Knowledge" In : Electrotherapy - Evidence Based Practice Ed : S Kitchen Pub : Churchill Livingstone Newer Edition 2008
Watson, T. (2002). "Current Concepts in Electrotherapy" Haemophilia 8;413-418 LINK
Watson, T. (2002). "Ultrasound Dose Calculations" In Touch 101;14-17 No Link Available
Watson, T, (2003) "Soft Tissue Healing" In Touch 104:2-9 No LInk Available
Veenman, P. and T. Watson (2005). "A physiotherapy perspective on pain management." UK Vet 10(8): 87-91 (No Link BUT see Veenman and Watson 2008 below - same paper)
Watson, T. (2005). "Electrotherapy research: In Context." In Touch Winter 2005(113): 20-26.No Link Available
Watson, T. (2006) Tissue Repair : The Current State of the Art. SportEx Medicine 28;8-12 No Link Available
Meakins, A and T Watson (2006) "Longwave ultrasound and conductive heating increase functional ankle mobility in asymptomatic subjects" Physical Therapy in Sport 7; 74-80 LINK
Moulson, A. and Watson, T. (2006) A preliminary investigation into the relationship between cervical snags and sympathetic nervous system activity in the upper limbs of an asymptomatic population. Manual Therapy 11;214-224 LINK
Watson, T. (2006). Electrotherapy and Tissue Repair. SportEx Medicine. 29;7-13 (July 2006) No Link Available
Al Mandil, M. and T. Watson (2006). "An Evaluative Audit of Patient Records in Electrotherapy with Specific Reference to Pulsed Short Wave Therapy (PSWT)." International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 13(9): 414-419 LINK
Poltawski, L. and T. Watson (2007). "Relative transmissivity of ultrasound coupling agents commonly used by therapists in the UK." Ultrasound Med Biol 33(1): 120-8 LINK
Poltawski, L. and T. Watson (2007). "Transmission of therapeutic ultrasound by wound dressings." Wounds 19(1): 1-12 LINK
Beeton, K. Neal, D. Watson, T. Lee, C. (2007) : Parents of children with haemophilia - a transforming experience. Haemophilia. 13(5);570-579 LINK
Alderson, L. Watson, T. Main, E. (2007) Assessment of dynamic walking balance in children with acquired brain injury. Physical Therapy Reviews 12;3-20 LINK
Veenman, P. and T. Watson (2008). "A physiotherapy perspective on pain management." Veterinary Nursing Journal 23(4): 29-35 LINK
Watson, T. (2008) (Editor) Electrotherapy : Evidence Based Practice Elsevier LINK
Watson, T. (2008) Electrotherapy IN : Tidy's Physiotherapy. Edited : S Porter. Pub : Elsevier (see 2013 link below for newer edition)
Watson, T. (2008) Ultrasound in Contemporary Physiotherapy Practice Ultrasonics 48: 321-329 LINK
Poltawski, L, Watson, T. Byrne, G. (2008) Physiotherapists' perceptions of problematic musculoskeletal soft tissue disorders International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 15(10); 437-444 LINK
Poltawski, L., Edwards, H., Todd, A., Watson, T., Lees, A. & James, C. (2008) Cutaneous side effects of infused apomorphine: The patient and care experience. Brit J Neuroscience Nursing 4(12); 576-580 LINK
Poltawski, L., Edwards, H., Todd, A., Watson, T., Lees, A. & James, C. (2008) Ultrasound treatment of cutaneous side-effects of infused apomorphine: a randomised controlled pilot study. Mov Disord 24; 115-118 LINK
Poltawski, L. and Watson, T. (2009) Bioelectricity and microcurrent therapy for tissue healing - a narrative review. Physical Therapy Reviews 14(2);104-114 LINK
Watson, T. (Editor) (2009). Electroterapia : Practica basada en la evidencia. Elsevier. (Spanish translation of Electrotherapy : Evidence Based Practice. (12th Edition) LINK
Roberts, S.E., Stern, M., Schreuder, F.M., Watson, T. (2009) The use of pursed lips breathing in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review of the evidence. Physical Therapy Reviews 14(4);240-246 LINK
Watson, T. (2010) Electrotherapy. Chapter 5 in : The Student's Companion to Physiotherapy: A Survival Guide. N. Southorn (Editor). Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. LINK
Poltawski, L. Jayaram, J. Watson, T. (2010) Measurement Issues in the Sonographic Assessment of Tennis Elbow Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. 38(4) 196-204 (May 2010) LINK
Al-Mandeel, M.M. and Watson, T. (2010) The thermal and nonthermal effects of high and low doses of pulsed short wave therapy (PSWT). Physiotherapy Research International. 15(4) 199-211 LINK
Watson, T. (2010). Narrative Review : Key concepts with electrophysical agents Physical Therapy Reviews 15(4): 351-359 LINK
Sutton, A, and Watson, T. (2011) Electrophysical Agents in Physiotherapy Ch 93 IN : Diagnosis and Management of Lameness in the Horse Ed : MW Ross and SJ Dyson Pub : Elsevier /
Saunders (2nd Edition) ISBN : 978-1-4160-6069-7 LINK
Watson, T. (2011) An Extended Model of Physical Therapy Modes of Action WCPT, Amsterdam, June 2011. WCPT 2011: Online Publication Reference : A-210-0032-02387 LINK
Poltawski, L. and T. Watson (2011). MICROCURRENT THERAPY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC TENNIS ELBOW: AN EXPLORATORY INVESTIGATION. WCPT, Amsterdam, June 2011. WCPT 2011: Online Publication Reference :LINK
Poltawski, L. and Watson, T. (2011) Measuring clinically important change with the Patient-rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation Hand Therapy 16; 52-57 LINK
Poltawski, L. Johnson, M. Watson, T. (2011) Microcurrent Therapy in the Management of Chronic Tennis Elbow: Pilot Studies to Optimise Parameters Physiotherapy Research International 17(3)157-166: DOI: 10.1002/pri 526 LINK
Johnstone, J. A., P. A. Ford, Hughes, G. Watson, T. Garrett, A.T. (2012). BIOHARNESSTM MULTIVARIABLE MONITORING DEVICE: PART. I: VALIDITY Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 11: 400-408 LINK
Johnstone, J. A., P. A. Ford, Hughes, G. Watson, T. Garrett, A.T. (2012). BIOHARNESSTM MULTIVARIABLE MONITORING DEVICE: PART. II: RELIABILITY Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 11: 409-417 LINK
Johnstone, J. A., P. A. Ford, Hughes, G. Watson, T. Mitchell, A.C.S. Garrett, A.T. (2012). FIELD BASED RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF THE BIOHARNESSTM MULTIVARIABLE MONITORING DEVICE. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 11: 643-652 LINK
Poltawski, L. Ali, S. Jayaram, V. Watson, T. (2012) Reliability of sonographic assessment of tendinopathy in tennis elbow Skeletal Radiology 41(1); 83-89 LINK
Roberts, S., F. Schreuder, T. Watson, M. Stern.. (2012). "P101 The long-term experience of COPD patients taught PLB: a mixed methodological study." Thorax 67(Suppl 2): A107-A107 LINK
Gautrey, C. N., T. Watson, et al. (2013) The Effect of Isokinetic Testing Speed on the Reliability of Muscle Fatigue Indicators During a Hip Abductor-Adductor Fatigue Protocol Int J Sports Med 10.1055/s-0032-1321801. Print : 34; 646-653 LINK
Gautrey, C. N., T. Watson, et al. (2013) The Effect of Velocity on Load Range during Isokinetic Hip Abduction and Adduction Exercise Int J Sports Med 10.1055/s-0032-1327662. Print : 34; 623-630 LINK
Watson, T. (2013) Electrotherapy (Chapter 19) in Porter, S. Tidy's Physiotherapy Churchill Livingstone / Elsevier 15th Edition
ISBN : 978 070 204 3444 LINK
Levine, D. and T. Watson (2014). Therapeutic Ultrasound. Chapter 19 in : Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy. D. L. Mills and D. Levine. Philadelphia, Elsevier/Saunders. ISBN : 978-1-4377-0309-2
Johnstone, J. A., A. C. Mitchell, G. Hughes, T. Watson, P. A. Ford and A. T. Garrett (2014). The athletic profile of fast bowling in cricket: a review. J Strength Cond Res 28(5): 1465-1473 LINK
Gautrey, C., T. Watson and A. Mitchell (2014). Centre of pressure excursions in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a single leg drop jump landing; analysing a subconscious time period. Br J Sports Med 48(7): 597-598 LINK
Gautrey, C., T. Watson and A. Mitchell (2014). The effect of localised and globalised fatigue on centre of pressure excursions in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a single leg drop jump landing; analysing a subconscious time period. Br J Sports Med 48(7): 598-599 LINK
Gautrey, C., T. Watson and A. Mitchell (2014). The effect of localised and globalised fatigue on muscle latency in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a simulated ankle sprain. Br J Sports Med 48(7): 599 LINK
Gautrey, C., T. Watson and A. Mitchell (2014). Muscle latencies in healthy and functionally unstable participants following a simulated ankle sprain. Br J Sports Med 48(7): 598 LINK
Gautrey, C., T. Watson and A. Mitchell (2014). Test-retest reliability of three setup positions during isokinetic ankle inversion-eversion exercise. Br J Sports Med 48(7): 598 LINK
Bennett, A., T. Watson and J. Simmonds (2014). "The Efficacy Of The Use Of Manual Therapy In The Management Of Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review." British Journal of Sports Medicine 48(Suppl 2): A11-A12 LINK
Watson, T. (2014). Crest of a wave: Effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound in musculoskeletal injury. International Therapist 110: 18-20 LINK
Watson, T. (2015). "Electro physical agents and tissue repair: can we really make a difference?" In Touch 151(Summer 2015): 8-13. NO LINK AVAILABLE
Watson, T. (2015). Electrophysical Agents. In G. Jull, A. Moore, D. Falla, J. Lewis, C. McCarthy, & M. Sterling (Eds.), Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (4th Edition ed., pp. 334-336): Elsevier. LINK
Bennett, A., T. Watson and J. Simmonds (2015). "The efficacy of the use of manual therapy in the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review." Physiotherapy 101: e1614-e1615. LINK
Kumaran, B. and T. Watson (2015). "Capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency (CRMRF) therapy at 448kHz: localized application significantly enhances and sustains skin physiological responses." Physiotherapy 101: e798. LINK
Simmonds, J., N. Ninis, J. Chase, N. Meadows, D. Rawat and T. Watson (2015). "Interferential for slow transit constipation in children with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome–Hypermobility Type: a novel service development." Physiotherapy 101: e1398-e1399. LINK
Watson, T. and A.-C. Goh (2015). "Dose dependency with electro physical agents: both the Arndt Schulz law and the Goldilocks principle provide an explanatory model." Physiotherapy 101: e1615-e1616 WCPT 2015 (Singapore) Poster. No LINK or PDF copy
Kumaran, B. and T. Watson (2015). "Radiofrequency-based treatment in therapy-related clinical practice – a narrative review. Part I: acute conditions." Physical Therapy Reviews 20(4): 241-25 LINK
Kumaran, B., A. Herbland and T. Watson (2015). Capacitive Resistive Monopolar Radiofrequency (CRMRF) therapy at 448 KHz: the effects on deep blood flow and elasticity of tissues PhysiotherapyUK 2015, Liverpool, Physiotherapy 101:e798 LINK
Kumaran, B. and T. Watson (2015). "Thermal build-up, decay and retention responses to local therapeutic application of 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency: A prospective randomised crossover study in healthy adults." Int J Hyperthermia: 31(8):883-895 LINK
Kumaran, B. and T. Watson (2016). "Radiofrequency-based treatment in therapy-related clinical practice – a narrative review. Part II: chronic conditions." Physical Therapy Reviews: 20(5-6)325-343 LINK
Watson, T. (2016). Expanding our Understanding of the Inflammatory Process and its Role in Pain & Tissue Healing. IFOMPT 2016, Glasgow. LINK (links to YouTube video of presentation)
Watson, T. and K. Lawrence (2016). Electrophysical Agents in Animal Physiotherapy. Ch 13 in : Animal Physiotherapy: Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Animals. C. McGowan and L. Goff. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell. 2nd Edition LINK
Watson, T. (2016). Elektrotherapie. In : Physiotherapie fur alle Korpersysteme: Evidenzbaser Tests und Therapie. Ed : F. E. van den Berg. Stuttgart, Thieme. ISBN : 9783131748218 : Chapter 1.5 LINK
Roberts, S. E., Schreuder, F.M. Watson, T. and Stern, M. (2017). "Do COPD patients taught pursed lips breathing (PLB) for dyspnoea management continue to use the technique long-term? A mixed methodological study." Physiotherapy 103: 465-470 LINK
Kumaran, B., A. Herbland and T. Watson (2017). "Continuous-mode 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency induces greater deep blood flow changes compared to pulsed mode shortwave: a crossover study in healthy adults." European Journal of Physiotherapy: 19(3):137-146 LINK
Johnstone, J. A., G. Hughes, A. Mitchell, P. A. Ford, T. Watson, R. Duffield, D. Gordon, J. Roberts and A. Garrett (2017). "Accelerometery and Heart Rate Responses of Professional Fast-Medium Bowlers in One-Day and Multi-Day Cricket." Journal of Sports Science & Medicine 16: 311-317 LINK
Adekunle, A. O., T. Watson and F. M. Schreuder (2017). "Pulmonary rehabilitation: Uptake and completion profile of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease." International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 24(9): 385-393 LINK
Kumaran, B. and T. Watson (2018). "Skin thermophysiological effects of 448 kHz capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency in healthy adults: A randomised crossover study and comparison with pulsed shortwave therapy." Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: DOI : 10.1080/15368378.2017.1422260 LINK
Alderson, L. M., S. X. Joksaite, J. Kemp, E. Main, T. Watson, F. M. Platt and M. Cortina-Borja (2019). "Age-related gait standards for healthy children and young people: the GOS-ICH paediatric gait centiles." Archives of Disease in Childhood: DOI : archdischild-2018-316311.LINK
Thompson, R. and T. Watson (2019). "Is a professional soccer player’s dominant lower limb at higher risk of injury than their non-dominant lower limb? A systematic review." Physical Therapy Reviews: 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/10833196.2019.1662206 LINK
Kumaran, B. and T. Watson (2020). "Thermophysiological responses to capacitive resistive monopolar radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint: A randomised controlled experimental study." Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (online first) LINK
Watson, T. Nussbaum, E. (2020) (Editors)
Electrophysical Modalities : Evidence Based Practice
13th Edition; Elsevier, Oxford
ISBN 9780702051517 LINK
Kumaran, B. Watson, T. (2021) The effect of foot plate neuromuscular electrical stimulation on leg blood flow Paper at World Physiotherapy Congress (World Physiotherapy) 9-11 April 2021 (Online Congress)
Ganatra, B. Watson, T. Somatosensory profiles using quantitative sensory testing in a healthy sample- the influence of self reported anxiety and depression levels. World Physiotherapy Congress (World Physiotherapy) 9-11 April 2021 (Online Congress)
Watson, T. (2021) Electrophysical agents: Physiology and Evidence. Chapter 6 in A Comprehensive Guide to Sports Physiology and Injury Management. Ed : S Porter + J. Wilson. Elsevier. ISBN : 978-0-7020-7489-9 LINK
Watson, T. (2021) Electrophysical Modalities in the Management of Shoulder Conditions
Ch 26 in : The Shoulder: Theory & Practice; Lewis, J. Fernandez, C
Handspring Publishing, UK LINK
Watson, T. and Nussbaum, E. (2021) Modalidades and electroterapia: Practica basada en la evidencia (Spanish Translation of textbook). Elsevier. ISBN: 978-84-9113-724-5 LINK
Mayor, D. Panday, D. Steffert, T. Kala Kandel, H. Watson, T. Beyond HRV. Extending the range of autonomic measures associated with heart rate variability – the effects of transcutaneous electroacupuncture (TEAS). 22nd International Acupuncture Research Symposium March 2021 (Virtual)
Mayor, D., Panday, D., Steffert., T. Kala Kandel H., Banks, D., Watson, T., CEPS: An Open Access MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Analysis of Complexity and Entropy in Physiological Signals. Entropy. 2021; 23(3):321. [doi.org/10.3390/e23030321] LINK
Kumaran, B., Targett, D., & Watson, T. (2022). The effect of an eight-week treatment program using a novel foot neuromuscular electrical stimulator (NMES) on physical function and leg pain, symptoms and blood flow in community dwelling older adults: a randomized sham-controlled trial. In: Research Square. [DOI 10.21203/rs.3.rs-1910035/v1]: LINK
Kumaran, B., Targett, D., & Watson, T. (2022). The effect of an 8-week treatment program using a novel foot neuromuscular electrical stimulator on physical function, leg pain, leg symptoms, and leg blood flow in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized sham-controlled trial. Trials, 23(1), 873. [doi:10.1186/s13063-022-06828-2] LINK
Uyulan, Ç., Mayor, D., Steffert, T., Watson, T., & Banks, D. (2023). Classification of the Central Effects of Transcutaneous Electroacupuncture Stimulation (TEAS) at Different Frequencies: A Deep Learning Approach Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition with an Entropy Estimator. Applied Sciences, 13(4). doi:10.3390/app13042703 LINK
Targett, D., Watson, T. & Kumaran, B. (2023) Benefits of home-based foot NMES on self reported function, leg pain and other leg symptoms: A sham-controlled randomised clinical trial CSP 2023 : 372 18 Jun 2024, p. e200-e201 LINK [Physiotherapy 123: Supp 1 : E 200-201]
Dent, J., Smeeton, N., Whiting, L., & Watson, T. (2024). The importance of recovery and staffing on midwives’ emotional wellbeing: A UK national survey. Midwifery, 132, 103961. [doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2024.103961] LINK
Watson, T. (2024) Shockwave and TECAR therapies: fad, fashion, hype or evidenced In Touch 186: 17 LINK
Watson, T. (2024). Electrophysical Modalities. In D. Falla, C. Cook, J. Lewis, C. McCarthy, & M. Sterling (Eds.), Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (5th Edition, pp. 403-406): Elsevier. LINK​​
Turner, D., T. Watson, M. Vosper and M. Cairns (2024). Participant Pressure Perception in Blood Flow Restriction Training: A Reliability Study. MACP/APPN Nurturing Research in Practice Conference. Manchester. [NO LINK AVAILABLE]
Kumaran, B., D. Targett and T. Watson (2024). "Benefits of home-based foot neuromuscular electrical stimulation on self-reported function, leg pain and other leg symptoms among community-dwelling older adults: a sham-controlled randomised clinical trial." BMC Geriatr 24(1): 683. LINK